Make more money now with selections and changes orders
by Shawn Pace
August, 01, 2012 in Home Builder Software
Home Builder software Selections, Commercial Builder Software Selections, Remodelers software selections.
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The Build Shop selections and change orders are the best on the market!

Our selections allow you to earn more money while staying organized and impressing your clients.

With our selections you will be able to categorize all options e.g. Fireplaces, Bathroom fixtures, lighting Fixtures etc... this makes it very easy for your clients to find the different options and make selections.

Once you have set your categories, you can add items, photos, documents and costs associated with each item.

Once the option has been selected, if there is an additional charge associated with it, a change order is automatically created and a paypal button appears that alllows your customer to immediately pay for the selection and approve the change order, your projects will continue with no hick ups and allow you to earn more money.

Selection Software for Home Builders, Commercial Builders and Remodelers.

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